Based on the best-selling novel by Yann Martel, is a magical adventure story centering on Pi Patel, the precocious son of a zoo keeper. Dwellers in Pondicherry, India, the family decides to move to Canada, hitching a ride on a huge freighter. After a shipwreck, Pi finds himself adrift in the Pacific Ocean on a 26-foot lifeboat with a zebra, a hyena, an orangutan and a 450-pound Bengal tiger named Richard Parker, all fighting for survival.
Genre: Adventure | Drama
Stars : Suraj Sharma, Irrfan Khan and Adil Hussain
Quality: CAM
Encoder: SHQ
Size: 450MB
Movie Format: MKV
Duration: 1h 45mn
Video: 720 × 306 @ 29,9fps
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